Family Law Adoptions

For those dealing with legal family matters, we understand how stressful and exhausting the scenario can be, especially when kids are involved. At the law office of Throne & Hauser, we are skilled in all parts of family law, whether it's mediation, child support or child custody. We are known for reaching the best conclusions for our clients.

Our professional legal team can assist you with the following for family law services:

  • Divorce - A divorce, it is the termination of a valid marriage and returns both parties to single status. The State of Nevada is categorized as a no-fault divorce state. A no-fault option allows the dissolution of a valid marriage in which no one accepts fault for the divorce.
  • Child Custody - In regards to child custody, the child's best interest always takes top priority, and that's why these cases can be difficult.
  • Child Support - Child support is a predetermined sum that is normally paid monthly to the partner who holds primary care of the child. Child support is meant for primary things like food, housing and clothing, health insurance and educational expenditures.
  • Adoption - While adoption may bring great happiness to parents and families, the evolving adoption laws in Nevada can make for a long process, confusing and frustrating, but we can assist.

If you're in need of family law services, then you can reach out to Throne & Hauser.

adoption law Henderson NV