It was among the hottest summers in history and my AC system was malfunctioning. I'd just bought a place with central air. So prior to that day, if I experienced any breakdowns, I'd just buy a brand new, inexpensive window air conditioner. Not the most economical method but it enabled me to keep leading a care-free bachelor existence. But my life has changed. I now consider myself as somewhat of an grown man, someone who dates real estate agents and cleans dishes right after eating, as if I have some dignity. Keeping with this new persona I couldn't let my living quarters to remain at such high temperatures. I briefly considered keeping my refrigerator door open so I could enjoy the cold draft as I watched TV from my kitchen. No, no. This is what my former self would've done while eating Gogurts and wishing they made bigger Gogurt packages. The new me phoned a HVAC place. With my most professional voice I asked for some help. The plumber west palm beach fl came over quickly and had my air conditioner working in no time. The guy told me his company offered a lot of other services. They had electricians, plumbers, and furnace repairman ready 24 hours a day. What a great number to have for a real, actual adult.plumber west palm beach fl