Each year, more cars and drivers are on the roads. With countless vehicles on the road, crashes will happen. If you get in a car wreck, the auto insurance you have can make a large difference in how much you have to pay. But why do you need insurance and just how much should you buy? Car insurance protects you by covering the cost of injury or damage you cause others while you are driving, damage to your car or personal injury or injury to your passengers from a crash, and certain other situations, such as robbery.
Deciding to drive without insurance could mean you have to repair or replace a stolen or damaged vehicle and pay the cost of all the damage that you may have caused. Liability: Liability pays for expenses due to personal injury and property damage to others that you are responsible for. It also covers your legal fees if you are sued.
State laws typically mandate standard amounts, but higher amounts are available and extremely helpful. Personal Injury Protection: This type of insurance pays for the medical treatment for you and your passengers, regardless of who was at fault in the crash. It is occasionally referred to as no-fault coverage. It may also cover lost wages, replacement of services and funeral expenses. The minimum amount of this insurance is usually set by local government. Medical Payments: This coverage is available in non-no-fault states; it will pay despite who may have been at fault. It pays for an insured person's reasonable and necessary medical and funeral expenses resulting from an accident. Collision: Damages resulting from a collision will be covered under this type of insurance. Comprehensive: This type of insurance protection covers any non-collision damages. This may include hail damage, vandalism, and robbery. Uninsured Motorist: This pays for repair and replacement costs when someone with insurance is in an accident caused by a driver who does not have liability coverage. Under-Insured Motorist: Just like uninsured motorist protection, this type of insurance protects you against people driving without sufficient insurance coverage.
Other types of coverage, such as car rental and emergency road service, are also available. Car Insurance Liberty