To people who truly love dogs, they are more than just animals. They are trusted companions, true friends, and part of a household. So why should dogs be Leaving your dog at a dog day care facility can sometimes be a stressful experience. You love your dog, and you want to ensure it is cared for with the same type of love and supervision that you provide every day. Luckily, we feel the exact same way. Our staff is made up of all dog lovers who have a great enjoyment in being able to work and play with our canine friends. Aside from the day care, we offer a variety of services including overnight boarding, organized play groups, and various grooming options. We will make sure that your dog is relaxed, well-fed, and diligently supervised during the entire time they are with us. Anytime you bring your dog to our facility, you will feel like they are staying with a member of your own family. Pet Grooming Ogden